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"Hello Tempe. I just got STITCHES on video from you and would just want to say thank you for the really good service and quick delivery...keep up the good work...I'm looking forward to see J.R Bookwalter's WITCHOUSE 3...I can with ease, say that I'm a big fan. Thank you again..." - Claus Langkjaer (via e-mail)

"I think J.R. Bookwalter rocks. All the extra stuff on the WITCHOUSE 2 disc with J.R. and Ariauna Albright really opened my eyes to Tempe. I'm looking forward to THE DEAD NEXT DOOR." - Jeremy J. Kulow (via e-mail)

"I am a fan! I can't stress that enough. I loved DEAD NEXT DOOR and many others of your earlier films. I've been wanting to see OZONE for years. And from the look of the site there are many other features I need to see. I was hoping to get some advice from ones in the inde biz that I admire and that is Tempe. I hope I hear back from you and I will be ordering more Tempe films down the road. Thanks for your time." - Mike Saunders, Prescribed Films (via e-mail)

"You guys fu**ing rock!!!!! I ordered THE DEAD NEXT DOOR on DVD and I got it in one day with a signed Bookwalter picture and a comic book thrown in. I am still in disbelief. I wish every company that I deal with was as brilliant as yours. What can I say I have never dealt with anyone else who even comes close. Thank you for making my day." - Michael Watson (via e-mail)

"Your movies are excellent. It was wonderful to listen to your comments after the movie. As usual, superb acting, incredibly eerie atmosphere, intelligent script, world-class editing, actors that the camera loves, superlative direction. You are our favorite Valentine. Encore, please. With highest regards (and thirsty for more!)" - Hillary Miller B.I.S. & Dr Masibindi Mother Courage (via e-mail)

"About a year ago, some friends and I were in a local video store when the cover to THE DEAD NEXT DOOR caught our eye. Always eager to see new independent films, we picked it up and were even more excited to see it after the clerk told us that it was filmed not 30 miles from where I go to school! Anyway, after seeing DND, we were hooked and went in search of more titles directed by J.R. Bookwalter. As of now I've seen about 5 of your films. I want to tell you that all of you at Tempe have really inspired us to follow our dream of making movies!" - Bethany Richards (via e-mail)

"We finally got WITCHOUSE: BLOOD COVEN in our video stores. I had a great time watching it. Damn good horror. And I loved the xtras on the DVD. I drove my wife nuts watching all of the interviews." - William Schotten (via e-mail)

"I am honored that you put my name on your website! I can't even believe you remembered my name, let alone that I have all of your films but MAXIMUM IMPACT! You and the cast/crew of THE DEAD NEXT DOOR were great at Frightvision! I will never forget that night as long as I live. My dreams came true that night. I have always wanted to meet you and your cast/crew (especially James L. Edwards, he's my favorite actor). You have inspired me to make the very best of my life and try my hardest, and I thank you for that. I was wondering if I could play a zombie in the DND 2 if I came to Akron while you were filming it? That would be great! Again I would like you to know how gratefull I am to you. Your biggest fan..." - Brad Twigg (via e-mail)

"I'm just another fan who found your website while playing around on the Internet one night. I, like a lot of others, majored in film way back in college but never really followed up on it. A few years back I came across some film industry magazines at the mall bookstore and eventually it led me to your dozen or so movies and three books. Man! What an inspiration you are to 'aspiring' filmmakers everywhere! I work in a hotel in Orlando with some other 'ex-film students' and we plan on producing our own sci-fi film as soon as we can. (May be awhile!) I certainly gained a much more in-depth insight into the film business through your books then I ever did from college. But I'll bet you've heard that before..! Well, I hope you're back in Ohio (the L.A. scene just seems so corrupt). You're definitely the 'big fish' in 'Hollywood East' and I wish you continued success!!!" - Craig Hendrix (via e-mail)

"Hello from Vancouver Canada! Long time no e-mail! I just downloaded the trailers and soundtracks from your website and I really loved them! I am looking forward to your Japanese trailers as well. I am still trying to find a copy of ATTACK OF THE B-MOVIE MAKERS (your book about Olen Ray and DeCoteau) but have met with dead ends all around. Since these and your other titles are out of print, perhaps you could post them on your website? I and many other fans would love to have access to JR's insight and experiences." - Chris Turner (via e-mail)

"I love Tempe Entertainment; I have even made an $800 feature called ATTACK OF THE BATHROOM CREATURE and a few of my friends said its style reminds them of THE DEAD NEXT DOOR. Cool, eh? So, what's the latest news on DND II: DEAD FUTURE? I need to know when it shoots so I can audition, since I'm moving to L.A. in a few months. Thanks, and beast witches!" - Eric Spudic (via e-mail)

"Just re-read your books which I purchased many years ago. I thought 'this guy is a legend and must be on the web by now' and decided to search you out. And here you are! Well done, mate. I will be putting in an order for a few of your tapes soon. For now i just wanted to let you know what a great read your books were. Very inspiring and educational. Keep up the wonderful work. P.S. great web site too!" - Dennys Ilic, Dallmeyer Pictures (via e-mail)

"I am an Indy Filmmaker who has read your AC magazine and watched your films and I have to say that you are the reason for me being here. Even though I am working in Ad house and editing commercial stuff, I still edit low budget films on the side. I am married and have a baby girl on the way, you make me feel good about the world of film and the world of doing it for less. Thank you for being one of the true pioneers. AC died when you left the door. Tempe rules." - Gerard Louis (via e-mail)

"Greetings Tempe! I was working on a MOW (Movie Of The Week) in Calgary, Alberta (Canada) when I checked out a local video store -- just when I thought all they carried was the latest in crap via Hollywood I looked up and saw THE DEAD NEXT DOOR. I could hardly believe it. I have been looking for the DND for years. I would search for it in every new video store I could find. I bought the copy they had and went back to my hotel to watch it. It was great! Much better than the Disney movie that I was working on. I hear rumour of DND II. I really hope that it comes to light. P.S.: Congrats on the Full Moon affiliation!" - Chris Turner (via e-mail)

"I was just procrastinating from screenwriting on procrastination's best invention, the World Wide Web, when I decided to plug in THE DEAD NEXT DOOR and found my way to the Tempe webpage. Exciting! I was about 17 years old when you were filming DND in Akron. In fact, I got to play a zombie in that now infamous film, and let me tell you, it is perhaps one of the fondest memories of my still fairly young life. It was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed. I plan, someday, when I'm accepting the Oscar for best original screenplay (hey, it could happen) to mention DND. It's at the top of the acceptance speech. Thanks for good memories and inspiration." - Tom Tennant (via e-mail)

"I wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed your work. I just recently began exploring the world of small-budget independent film production, and I must say, your projects are definately the most enjoyable. I got together last weekend with friends and had a marathon movie watch-a-thon, headlined by POLYMORPH and ending with OZONE (in-between we sandwiched INVASION FOR FLESH & BLOOD and ALIEN AGENDA). At least we started and ended on high notes, your abilities are definately a cut above. I produce commercials and marketing films for a living, so I know what it takes. Thanks for the great entertainment! - Charlie McCracken, Gateway Broadcasting (via e-mail)

"I can't believe this is really going to J.R.Bookwalter!!!! I'm a 14-year-old high school student who loves B-movies and that's just what you guys supply. I loved OZONE more than you know--kick-butt special effects, good acting and good story. I hope to someday be as good a director as J.R. Bookwalter is!!!!!!!!!!" - Kallee Cooper (via e-mail)

"Is this really J.R. Bookwalter?!? If so, I would just like to say what a huge fan I am of your work. I have seen OZONE and THE DEAD NEXT DOOR and found both to be very entertaining. It's good to see a micro-budget movie that isn't pretentious and boring again! I am studying film with hopes to be a low-budget director (right now I take any job I can get). I would just like to let you know that you are an inspiration and a crowning acheivement in the low-budget sleaze genre." - John J. Karyus (via e-mail)

"Congratulations on one of the best web sites I've visited so far. I'm a huge fan of Alternative Cinema, but it comes out far too infrequently. I am always inspired by the valiant efforts of the underground filmmakers you cover. I am an aspiring filmmaker myself (although not really in the horror/gore genre) and I always get great cost effective ideas from your 'Low-Budget Production Hell' articles. Keep it coming." - Chris Sharpe (via e-mail)

"Hey folks! Excellent site. This really is a great medium for the indy community, isn't it? Just thought I'd drop you a note to thank you for the support you've given to us in the past for our feature NO RESISTANCE, and invite you to stop by the new Lunatic Fringe Productions on-line newsletter, the URL for which you'll find tagged below. Not quite as slick as your offering, but what they hey. You'll notice you are linked in association with an article on your cooperative work with Kevin Lindenmuth... a more permanent link to come soon. Thanks a lot, and best of luck!" - Tim Thomson, Lunatic Fringe Productions

"Just checked out your web site. Fantastic job! Found out about it through Ted Chalmer's Genre Pictures Int'l site (your hot link there). Definitely the marketing wave of the future, especially for indie companies. Swear to God, you guys look as big as MGM or Universal!!" - Mike Ricks, Sunstone Entertainment (Phoenix, AZ)

"I recently picked up a copy of OZONE from E.I Independents and I must say that it was probably one of the best underground horror movies I've seen yet, please keep pumping out the movies and send me some info on the sequel you're making to THE DEAD NEXT DOOR. I just wanted to let you know that you have a fan for OZONE." - Erik D. Harshman (via e-mail)

"I enjoy your movies a lot! Took me long enough to find a place that has uncut B gore flixs! THE DEAD NEXT DOOR is killer! Can't wait for part two! OZONE is good too!" - Pigeoneck Underground, c/o Nic (Littleton, CO)

"I discovered Tempe Video a few months ago and this is the third or maybe fourth time I've ordered from you. I just wanted to say thanks for the quick service and excellent quality tapes you have provided!" - Matt Cheek

"This is just a little note to let you know how impressed I was with your service. It was great to receive THE DEAD NEXT DOOR in just one week. I really enjoyed the movie and look forward to seeing more. I am ordering the book B-Movies in the '90s and Beyond and look forward to reading it with great interest. This, of course, will not be my last order. I plan to continue watching and reading about all of your films. Keep doing a great job." - William Sean Wilson (Norfolk, VA)

"Outstanding is the best word I can think of to describe your service. Keep it up and your following will go through the roof." - Chuck Morris (Upper Black Eddy, PA)

"Wow! I've been a die-hard B-film mutant for over ten years now, and I have rarely come across a company that has so much enthusiasm for its product and its audience. When you deal with some other folks, you get the feeling that as soon as you order ZOMBIE NIGHTMARE, you're some sort of social deviant. You put that to rest right away. Thanks again for being so cool, good luck in the future and stay psychotic." - Chris Corsi (Albany, NY)

"First I would like to say J.R. Bookwalter is one of my favorite directors and I loved ROBOT NINJA and SKINNED ALIVE. Second, I would like to give you much thanks for putting out a fanzine on your company. You and Full Moon are the only ones I know that seem to care enough to help the fans and give them much joy through your own fanzine. I am very proud to be a fan of your movies." - Vince Cornelius (Prospect, OH)


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